Gus Romano

Gus-Romano-phoHO_HCT22_06122013.optDescribe your volunteer activities at HCT:
I’ve participated in boundary marking, brush clearing, event set-up and herring counts. Also, I’m assisting other volunteers in planning upgrades to HCT’s computer infrastructure.

How long have you volunteered?
My wife and I moved to Harwich recently, so just a couple of months.

What do you like most about it, memorable moments?
I enjoy spending as much time outside as possible. Getting an appreciation for how much open space has been preserved by HCT, much of it environmentally fragile, has been eye opening.

What’s special about Harwich?
After spending most weekends in Harwich for seven years, my wife and I decided to move here full-time.  We particularly like the low-key lifestyle, even in summer.  We have really great neighbors and easy access to conservation land.

What else do you like to do for fun or other activities or volunteering?
Until my recent retirement, I ran the IT support desk for a multi-national company near Boston.  Now, with an older home, there are a lot of projects around the house. I enjoy photography, and bird photography in particular.  I’ve recently become interested in astronomy, and attend the Cape Cod Astronomical Society meetings in Dennis.  I also belong to the Cape Cod Bird Club.

I help out with Star Parties at the Harwich Observatory (Monomoy Regional School System).  They have an excellent program run by technology teacher Larry Brookhart.