Don Scott

Don_Scott-phoHO_HCT37_10022013_optDescribe your volunteer activities at HCT:
I volunteer with nestbox monitoring to document the activity of bluebirds, tree swallows, chickadee, titmouse and other species.

How long have you volunteered?
About 5 years

What do you like most about it, memorable moments?
Mostly I just enjoy the outdoors and natural beauty of HCT’s 66-acre Bank St. Bogs Nature Preserve in Harwich Port. My nestbox monitoring partner, Karen Goggins, is a joy to work with and spots birds/insects/butterflies better than I.

What’s special about Harwich
The Cape (Chatham) has been a part of my life since the late 1940’s. I met my wife here during our college years as camp counselors and have been returning ever since.

What else do you like to do for fun or other activities or volunteering?
Upon retirement, I spent 10 years volunteering at the Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge (NWR). Then I spent 2-3 years with the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History leading overnights to the Monomoy NWR lighthouse keeper’s house.