Cornelius Pond Woodlands

Cornelius Pond Woodlands

Acres: 15
Total Trail Length: 0.5 mile

Trail Image

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Conservation History and Importance: In May 2015, this pondfront gem was listed for sale at $1.15 million. Since the 1930s, the Ovaska family had owned and enjoyed the land. They wanted to see the land preserved and agreed to sell for $800,000 to HCT. HCT donors, Town Meeting voters, the State, businesses, and foundations rallied to raise the land-saving funds. Cornelius Pond is a very unique habitat called a “coastal plain pond.” About 18,000 years ago, the mile-high receding glacier left massive melting blocks of ice in the coastal meltwater plain of Cape Cod. Over time, these deep bowls in the landscape filled with rising groundwater and became ponds, now supporting a variety of species, including rare plants & animals.

Trailhead Parking: From Rt. 124 take Queen Anne Rd. approx. 0.5 mile east to the parking area on your left. From the Rt. 39 rotary, take Queen Anne Rd. approx. 1.8 miles west to the parking area on your right.