Planned Giving

Bequests (Leaving a Gift in Your Will) & Charitable Gift Planning with the Harwich Conservation Trust

Donating funds to save land (or donating land itself) leaves a lasting legacy and enhances our shared quality of life in Harwich on Cape Cod. Healthy wildlife habitats, clean waters, and scenic views define our quality of life. This rare quality of life is preserved through the land conservation success of the Harwich Conservation Trust. Your support enhances and advances the land conservation success of the Harwich Conservation Trust.

If you are interested in donating funds to advance land conservation, then you can contribute several ways. You can donate by check payable to Harwich Conservation Trust and mailed to Harwich Conservation Trust, P.O. Box 101, South Harwich, MA 02661 or through appreciated securities. For the latter, we can provide the account and routing numbers. The federal tax I.D. number for the Harwich Conservation Trust is: 04-6599166.

Two Deer in Woods

Ways to Donate

1Donate unrestricted funds to support HCT’s ongoing operating needs for use at our discretion for advancing land conservation projects. This is the most needed type of contribution.

2Donate funds to HCT’s Save Land – Save Water Initiative, which helps preserve priority lands within watersheds that help protect sensitive water resources including Pleasant Bay, our harbors, Nantucket Sound, freshwater ponds, and our sole source drinking water aquifer.

3Donate funds to specific HCT acquisition projects. E-mail Executive Director Michael Lach at or call 508-432-3997 for an update on lands in need of acquisition funding.

4How to Make a Bequest to Harwich Conservation Trust for the benefit of Harwich Conservation Trust.

For some land conservation supporters, a bequest is the most realistic way of making a significant gift to Harwich Conservation Trust (HCT). You may provide for HCT by:

  • creating a new will,
  • adding a codicil to your present will,
  • including Harwich Conservation Trust in your revocable trust,
  • or designating Harwich Conservation Trust as the beneficiary of your retirement plan or insurance policy.

To ensure that your exact intentions are carried out, wills, codicils, and trusts should be prepared by and with the advice of your attorney. HCT is available for additional information on the various methods of designating a bequest to Harwich Conservation Trust or for guidance in planning a gift.

A bequest or beneficiary designation to Harwich Conservation Trust should be made payable to the “Harwich Conservation Trust” which is the official name. Unless otherwise specified, a bequest to the “Harwich Conservation Trust” is interpreted as an unrestricted donation to Harwich Conservation Trust to be used in any way to serve any of its purposes.

pond with fall foliage in background

Sample Bequest Form: A general bequest,
unrestricted as to purpose:

“I give (____ dollars) or (____ percent of my estate) to Harwich Conservation Trust (federal tax I.D. number: 04-6599166), under a Declaration of Trust dated September 24, 1988 and recorded with the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 6456, Page 222, and registered with the Barnstable Land Court Registry District as Document No. 615,918, as amended, with a mailing address of P.O. Box 101, South Harwich, Massachusetts 02661 for the benefit of Harwich Conservation Trust, and for its general purposes.”

To ensure that your bequest is properly directed and credited to HCT’s Save Land – Save Water Initiative, rather than to HCT for any purpose, it is important that you specify that it be paid to the “Harwich Conservation Trust for the benefit of the Save Land – Save Water Initiative.”

Sample Bequest Form: An endowment bequest
for a specific purpose:

“I give (____ dollars) or (____ percent of my estate) to Harwich Conservation Trust (federal tax I.D. number: 04-6599166), under a Declaration of Trust dated September 24, 1988 and recorded with the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 6456, Page 222, and registered with the Barnstable Land Court Registry District as Document No. 615,918, as amended, with a mailing address of P.O. Box 101, South Harwich, Massachusetts 02661 for the benefit of Harwich Conservation Trust, and for (state the purpose; eg: Save Land – Save Water Initiative). If, in the future, in the opinion of Harwich Conservation Trust all or part of the income of this fund cannot be usefully applied to the above purpose (or in the above manner), it may be used for any purpose within the powers of the Harwich Conservation Trust that will most nearly accomplish my wishes and purposes.”

So that we can help you make sure that your intent will be realized by your provision, we would be grateful if you would mail a copy of the pertinent portion of your estate documents after your plans are finalized to Harwich Conservation Trust, P.O. Box 101, South Harwich, MA 02661. We will respect the sensitive and confidential nature of any material that you provide.

We are available to consult with you and your advisor about bequests and other forms of charitable giving that may benefit you, your family, and land protection advanced by Harwich Conservation Trust. If you are interested in donating land or you and your advisor have questions, please contact HCT Executive Director Michael Lach (ph: 508-432-3997 or e-mail: Thank you again for considering the Harwich Conservation Trust.

Mike Lach and Patti Smith

On the Path with Patti Smith

REFLECTING, ENJOYING & LOOKING AHEAD WITH HCT On most mornings, Patti Smith and Boomer the black lab can be found trekking to the Robert F. Smith Cold Brook Preserve. Back in 2001, the Harwich Conservation Trust (HCT) acquired the landscape found in the heart of busy Harwich Port. The more than sixty acres of upland…

Patrick and his dog

Homes for Habitat Patrick Otton

By Susanna Graham-Pye Cape Cod’s winter woods possess a rough, remarkable beauty.  Pale sage-colored fruticose lichen, wispy and delicate, softens bare oak branches angled against the cold white sky. Other lichen of the crustose variety, look sponge-painted in splotchy hues of vibrant ochre on rocks that jut out of the leaf litter. Here and there…

Bill and Judy Shinkwin

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