Protected Lands

Herring River marsh by Stephanie FosterThe Harwich Conservation Trust (HCT) works with individuals and families to preserve special places. HCT preserves land to protect water resources like our drinking water supply, harbors, ponds, Pleasant Bay, and Herring River, to protect wildlife habitat, to save scenic views, to create walking trails, to protect community character, and to safeguard many other important environmental elements that hold us here and draw countless visitors.

Below is a growing list of the lands that HCT has protected by accepting land donations, holding conservation restrictions, and purchasing property. With your support, we can preserve more.

Land Details

Mill Pond Road10/01/900.3300.33Pine/oak woods next to Mill PondGift
Off Cove Road12/01/912.0102.01Next to Olivers Pond Cons AreaGift
Sequattom Road11/01/922.412.595Pond front; pine/oak woods; CRGift
Lovers Lane12/01/922.290.652.94Old bog; feeds Grassy PondGift
Great Western Road05/01/930.350.360.71Maple swamp; abuts bike trailGift
Skinequit Road09/01/932.1902.19Wildlife habitat for Skinequit PondGift
Route 3912/01/930.9900.99Pine/oak; next to town wellfieldGift
Gorham Court05/01/940.5400.54Next to Bank Street bogsGift
Route 2805/01/940.8800.88Pine/oak; next to Route 28Gift
Off Route 2806/01/941.999.7611.75Boardwalk with salt marsh viewGift
Lovers Lane12/01/9402.822.82Old bog; feeds Grassy PondGift
Hilltop Road12/01/9400.270.27Next to Wheeler BogGift
Route 13701/01/9513.58013.58Scotch Pine Farms; pine/oak woodsGift
Federal Lane11/01/9510.01010.01Pine/oak woods; cluster open spaceGift
Off Lothrop Ave.04/01/9713.961.9215.88Pine/oak; cedar swamp; CBWPurchase
Great Western Road11/01/970.233.2Coy's Brook Woodlands (CBW)Gift
Turning Way12/01/970.330.050.38Pine/oak scrub habitatGift
Lothrop Avenue05/01/985.430.756.18Pine woods; maple swamp; CBWPurchase
Packet Way12/01/980.7600.76Pine/oak scrub habitatGift
Off Factory Road12/01/9900.40.4Old bogGift
Off Queen Anne Road02/01/004.4204.42Pine/oak; next to Hawksnest SPGift
North of Island Pond07/01/0036.38036.38Cons. Restriction; woods; old bogsPurchase
Lothrop Avenue08/01/001.0401.04Pine/oak woods; CBWPurchase
Pleasant Lake Ave.09/01/000.753.474.22Feeds Coy's Brook; maple swampPurchase
Great Western Road11/01/ Coy's Brook; maple swampGift
Windswept Way12/01/001.2101.21Pine/oak woodsGift
Off Island Pond Rd.12/01/0004.814.81Island Pond area; abuts bike trailGift
Off Pleasant Lake Ave.01/05/0103.723.72Island Pond areaGift
Lothrop Avenue01/16/010.970.311.28Part of Lee Baldwin Nature WalkPurchase
Off Deacon's Folly Rd06/12/015.9105.91Sand Pond; Herring Riv. watershedPurchase
Bank Street Bogs06/20/0122.244062.24Historic cranberry bogs & uplandPurchase
Off Lothrop Ave.08/31/010.7722.77Baldwin Nature WalkPurchase
Off Lothrop Ave.11/01/0116.136.822.93Protects Coy's Brook; Cons RestrictPurchase
Main Street11/29/012.6302.63BequestGift
Gilbert Lane12/19/010.2900.29Shrub cover; Herring Riv. watershedGift
Queen Anne Road07/26/028.210.5 08.71Katie's Pond; bikepathPurchase
Bank Street12/19/0231.34.3Cluster Open SpaceGift
Off Deacons Folly Rd04/24/030.0800.08Sand PondGift
Nathan Walker Rd02/05/03121.3213.32Cons. Restriction; Walkers PondGift
Nor'East Dr09/03/030.4900.49UplandGift
Sou'West Dr09/03/030.3500.35UplandGift
Hinckleys Pond12/23/035.205.2Private Cons RestrictGift
Harvest Hollow Dr.04/16/040.900.9Cluster subd. open spaceGift
Lothrop Avenue08/05/040.9400.94Expands Coy's Brook WoodlandsPurchase
Harwich11/22/0400Fractional interestsGift
Lothrop Avenue06/23/050.20.640.84Expands Lee Baldwin Nature WalkPurchase
Cape Cod Rail Trail09/30/050.150.350.5Expands Katies Pond SanctuaryGift
Chatham Road & Long Road12/08/050.50.51Protects vernal pool and roadside greenbeltGift
Pleasant Lake Ave. (Rt. 124)12/29/050.3300.33Protects woodland and roadside greenbeltGift
Bay Road04/28/0642.55042.55Monomoy River Woodlands (Pleasant Bay)Purchase
Weston Woods Road08/03/070.7200.72Gateway to Island Pond Conservation LandsGift
Bell's Neck Road11/01/ pool next to 50+ acres of cons. landGift
Island Pond Trail12/14/ pool, Island Pond Cons. LandsCons. Rest.
Pleasant Lake Ave. (Rt. 124)12/31/07101WoodlandGift
Punkhorn Road12/28/0715.778.1423.91Conservation Restriction (private land)Gift
off Lover's Lane12/07/12112Woodland and wetlandGift
Long Road01/04/080.4600.46Wooded building lotGift
North Road07/11/ of the Herring RiverGift
Purmackene Lane11/14/080.1700.17Roadway greenbeltGift
Route 28, West Harwich04/21/0933.86.8Herring River WatershedPurchase
Anonymous05/05/ Pond shorelineGift
Lothrop Avenue08/07/09156Roadside greenbeltGift
Lothrop Avenue08/07/09022Salt marshGift
Island Pond Trail05/11/102.902.9Forest, connected to Island Pond Cons. LandsCons. Rest.
off Lothrop Avenue06/25/105.463.939.39Riparian buffer on Coy's Brook, forest, wetlandPurchase
Six Ponds DCPC06/25/103.713.637.34Forest and wetlandPurchase
off Queen Anne Road01/19/11909ForestCons. Rest.
Route 2803/15/111.7401.74Forest, 280 feet of roadside greenbeltGift
Haskell Lane06/17/1138.71038.71Forest, potential vernal poolCons. Rest.
Grist Mill Lane02/13/130.530.10.63Next to potential vernal poolGift
Pleasant Lake Avenue02/13/130.421.021.44Forest, wetlandGift
Bank Street02/13/13044Next to Town Conservation LandGift
Signal Lane05/06/130.3700.37Forest, uplandGift
South Street06/01/, wetlandGift
South Street06/01/130.9900.99Forest, wetlandGift
Forest Street06/01/131.501.5Forest, wetland, roadside greenbeltGift
Deacon's Folly Rd1/30/20144.386.9611.34Sand Pond, bogPurchase
Grist Mill Lane
1/30/20140.590.20.79Woodland and wetlandGift
Bay Road6/27/201481.689.68Pleasant Bay Woodlands, Phase 1Purchase
Bob White Lane1/20/201501.341.34Red River salt marshGift
Bay Road1/26/20151.0401.04WoodlandGift
Uncle Venies Rd9/3/201501.361.36Red River salt marshGift
Kendrick Rd3/3/201735.92.738.6Pleasant Bay Woodlands, Phase 2Purchase
Proprietor's Way10/6/20177.207.2Hinckleys Pond, woodlandGift
Long Pond Dr4/6/20171.170.411.58Long Pond watershedGift
Church St1/22/2018143.4317.43Muddy Creek, meadow, woodlandPurchase
Weston Woods Rd2/9/2018101Woodland, wetlandGift
Queen Anne Rd6/21/2019140.914.9Cornelius Pond, meadow, woodlandPurchase
Uncle Venies Rd5/5/20200.46.67Red River salt marshGift
Church St1/19/20213.470.053.52Woodland, wetlandGift
Proprietor's Way1/19/20216.6506.65WoodlandGift
TOTAL ACRES PROTECTED432.86153.82587.18