Ocean Plastics with Sea Education Association Virtual Winter Talk

Due to the freezing weather conditions and dangerously low wind chills forecasted for this Saturday, the February 4th Winter Talk on Ocean Plastics with Sea Education Association (SEA) will now be held virtually as a zoom webinar (link to join below). Please join us for this free presentation from the comfort and warmth of your own home! 

Learn about Woods Hole’s Sea Education Association’s (SEA) 35-year dataset of surface ocean plastics collected by SEA students, faculty and crew; the largest dataset of its kind in the world. SEA’s Research Associate, Jessica Donohue, will use this dataset as a jumping off point to discuss the global problem of plastic pollution in the marine environment, focusing on microplastics floating at the surface of the ocean. Hear about how these data are collected, where plastics accumulate and come from, along with impacts and solutions to this global problem.  

As a Research Associate at SEA, Jessica studies marine plastic debris both in the laboratory and from SEA’s sailing research vessels. She holds an M.S. from the University of Rhode Island in environmental science/hydrogeology and a B.S. in environmental geology from Binghamton University.

SEA is an internationally recognized leader in undergraduate, gap year, and high school ocean education. For 50 years and more than one million nautical miles sailed, SEA has educated students about the world’s oceans through its Boston University accredited study abroad program. SEA is based on Cape Cod in the oceanographic research community of Woods Hole, Massachusetts and has two research vessels: the SSV Corwith Cramer, operating in the Atlantic Ocean, and the SSV Robert C. Seamans, operating in the Pacific. In 2016, SEA was honored with the National Science Board’s Public Service Award for its role in promoting the public understanding of science and engineering. In 2018, the National Maritime Historical Society presented Sea Education Association with the Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Maritime Education. 

Please click here to join the zoom webinar on Saturday, February 4th, from 1-2 p.m.