3.3-acre Robbins Pond Project
Local ponds hold a special place in our hearts across the Cape. They dapple the landscape like a necklace of blue sapphires. However, due to over development of watershed lands, ponds are suffering.
Let’s make a difference together by preserving a key pond front property that can protect forested upland and significant shoreline habitat as well as help protect water quality.
Please help us raise $350,000 to preserve 3.3 acres with 660 feet of shoreline on Robbins Pond in Harwich.
Protecting ponds by preserving surrounding watershed and waterfront lands has been a long-term goal of HCT starting back in 1990 with the first land donation of a pondfront building lot on Mill Pond. Since then HCT has protected more than 171 acres with 9,000 feet of shoreline on a dozen different ponds.
HCT’s Priority Ponds Project is important because many Harwich ponds are at risk. Cape-wide, The Compact of Cape Cod Conservation Trusts which is a land trust service center, identified 200 high priority pondfront lands. Harwich holds 10% of the total Cape-wide priority acreage. Harwich has 14 ponds with priority watershed parcels in need of preservation. With the land-saving goal of its Priority Ponds Project, HCT hopes to protect some of these sensitive ponds including Robbins Pond.
Your support of the 3.3-acre Robbins Pond Project will:
Protect the water quality of Robbins Pond since the land includes 660 feet of shoreline;
Protect the public drinking water supply because the land is within a wellfield recharge area;
Protect the water quality of Herring River since the land is within the river’s watershed;
Protect wildlife habitat for a variety of chorusing songbirds, keen raptors, curious red fox, wandering turkeys, the shy Eastern box turtle, and a host of other creatures dependent on the land for food, nest sites, and shelter.
Thanks again for partnering on this important land preservation project. Your support makes a lasting, local difference for land, water, wildlife, and people.
To donate, please click here.