Jan. 28th: Whale Disentanglement
Saturday, January 28th, 2:00 p.m.
(suggested donation: $5.00 pp)
Whale Disentanglement:
First Responders Save Lives
Presentation by the Whale Disentanglement Division of the Center for Coastal Studies
Location: Harwich Community Center (#100 Oak St.)
When a whale is reported entangled, “First Responders” quickly get to the site, monitor, and standby the animal until the primary rescue team arrives or if possible, free the animal. However, if the weather is not conducive to a disentanglement or the disentanglement is a difficult one, then the First Responders may attach a satellite/ VHF tag beacon to the entangled gear. This allows the first response team to track the animal until the conditions change. Learn about the risks and rewards of whale disentanglement on the high seas.