Guided Walk: First People & the Pilgrims, Oct. 19, 2019

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About this walk:

L-to-R: Walk leaders Marcus Hendricks and Todd Kelley (photo: Vince DeWitt)

Corn Hill and Myles Standish’s Foray into the Interior Leading up to the First Encounter of 1620

Sponsored by Harwich Conservation Trust and Truro Conservation Trust, join 12th generation Cape Codder Todd Kelley and native Nipmuc/Wampanoag Marcus Hendricks for a fascinating walk in the National Seashore to explore the lives of the First People local to the Truro area and the circumstances that led up to their first encounter with the Pilgrims. Consider the ramifications of European intrusion into peaceful interior communities setting the pilgrims’ immediate needs ahead of diplomacy and local cultural decorum. Trace the footsteps of the Messengers as they followed Myles Standish and his men from Corn Hill to their First Encounter and conclude with the return of the Billington boy by Sachem Aspinet at Boat Meadow that spawned the Treaty of 1621.  

Location: Truro, National Seashore

Directions:  You will receive directions with your reservation confirmation email.

Day/date: Saturday, Oct. 19th
Rain date: Sunday, Oct. 20th

Time: 10:00 a.m. – noon

Cost: $20.00 per person

Space is limited, so advance reservation (payment) is required.

Register online at right by credit card.

Distance: approx. 1 mile

Helpful info.:
Please bring walking shoes/hiking boots and water.
This moderate walk is recommended for ages 12 and up.