Feb. 4th: Tracking Snowy Owls at Logan Airport

Photo courtesy of Janet DiMattia.
Saturday, February 4th, 2:00 p.m.
(suggested donation: $5.00 pp)
Tracking Snowy Owls at Boston’s Logan Airport:
Wildlife Research Takes Flight
Presentation by Norman Smith, Director, Massachusetts Audubon Blue Hills Sanctuary
Location: Harwich Community Center (#100 Oak St.)
Since 1981, Norman Smith has spent countless days and nights, in every imaginable weather condition observing, capturing, banding, and color marking snowy owls at Logan International Airport. Find out what has been learned to date, what questions remain, and how this project also developed to include research on saw-whet owls. Smith has worked for the Massachusetts Audubon Society since 1974 and mainly researched birds of prey, successfully fostering over 1,000 orphaned hawk and owl chicks into adoptive nests. His research has been published in National Geographic, National Wildlife, Yankee, Mass. Wildlife, Bird Observer, and more.