Bell’s Neck Songbird Migration Field Walk

Bell’s Neck Songbird Migration Field Walk

Date: May 9, 2022
Inclement Weather Date: May 11, 2022
Time: 8-10 a.m.
Meeting Place: Directions emailed with registration confirmation.
Leader: Peter Trull
Price: 20
Attendee Limit: 12

The upland and wet thicket habitats around the West Reservoir at Bell’s Neck Conservation Lands are prime locations to explore in mid-May. The pine/oak/tupelo woodlands and deciduous thickets of inkberry and highbush blueberry attract migratory songbirds from canopy to forest floor. Join Field Naturalist Peter Trull on a slow, focused quest for spring migrants on prime dates in May. Possible sightings include colorful warblers, vireos, tanagers, grosbeaks and orioles. Some days are more birdy than others, but we’ll focus on observing and identifying every bird we see.

Walk leader Peter Trull has been involved in Research and Education for over 45 years. He holds a Master’s Degree in Education and has written nine books about Cape Cod natural history. His most recent book Birds of Paradox-The Life of Terns, was released in spring 2019. His upcoming book, Cape Cod – Once Around the Sun, is a tribute to John Hay and his 1961 classic, Nature’s Year.

Peter has devoted his life to studying and teaching others about birds and bird life.

Learn about the unique adaptations, life history and habits of each bird species we encounter. Join Peter Mondays at 8:00 a.m. for an exciting immersion into the world of birds. Get excited, get sharp!

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