Bell’s Neck Birding Field Class

Bell’s Neck Birding Field Class

Date: May 30, 2023
Time: 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Meeting Place: Directions emailed with registration confirmation.
Leader: Peter Trull
Price: 20
Attendee Limit: 12

Spring migration is fully underway at Bell’s Neck Conservation Lands. The annual migration of river herring offers the opportunity to witness ospreys swooping, diving, and crashing into the water with long needle-like talons, catching fish, and flying off. Black-crowned night herons, killdeer, and snipe are evident along the shores.

Beginning in May, we enjoy the spectacle and excitement of warbler migration, along with scarlet tanagers, vireos, grosbeaks, and flycatchers. Enjoy the melodies of these spring migrants as they flit through trees and thickets, decorating the forest with swirls of color.

Join Naturalist Peter Trull for a field class to immerse yourself in the wonder of birds and experience spring migration in all of its avian beauty.

Photo courtesy of Janet DiMattia.

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