Harwich Natural Heritage Trail, Article 34: Town Meeting-May 8, 2021
Harwich Natural Heritage Trail Project Wheelchair Accessible Loop
Article 34 text from May 8, 2021 Harwich Annual Town Meeting Warrant:
Article 34: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from Community Preservation Act Funds – $150,000 from estimated annual revenue for Fiscal Year 2022 to fund the Natural Heritage Trail Project, including the creation of a wheelchair accessible trail loop off Bank Street for open space and recreational purposes, and further to authorize the Board of Selectmen to enter into a grant agreement with the Harwich Conservation Trust, and further to authorize the Board of Selectmen to acquire a permanent restriction on said land. Any funds left unspent from this Article are to be returned to the Community Preservation Act Funds-Undesignated Fund Balance, and to act fully thereon. By request of the Community Preservation Committee. Estimated Cost: $150,000.00.
Explanation: The Harwich Natural Heritage Trail Project goal is to enhance the recreational and educational experience in Harwich by creating a wheelchair accessible trail loop off Bank Street at HCT’s Robert F. Smith Cold Brook Preserve, which is also the site of a HCT/Town ecological restoration partnership. Harwich residents and visitors will be able to enjoy passive recreational opportunities (walking, birdwatching, dog walking, photography, and more) in a scenic and ecologically restored destination between Harwich Center and downtown Harwich Port.