3-Walk Series: Native American History, April 2016

sunset_by_Charles_Burke_optThis walk series is now full. If you would like to add your name(s) to the waiting list, please email your name(s) and phone number to: hctevents@gmail.com. Sponsored by Harwich Conservation Trust, Brewster Conservation Trust, Dennis Conservation Trust, and the Native Land Conservancy, 12th generation Cape Codder Todd Kelley and native Nipmuck/Wampanoag Marcus Hendricks will lead a fascinating series of interpretive walks exploring the history of Cape Cod from the First People and early European settlers to the nature of Cape Cod today. This is an engaging three walk series that follows a progressive storyline about human settlement near freshwater sources and coastal water embayments. The walks will take place at locations within the towns of Harwich (April 9), Brewster (April 16), and Dennis (April 23), respectively. The cost is $45 per person whether you attend all three walks or one walk. We’ll be offering another Native American history walk series in the fall. So that you can receive word on the next series as well as other intriguing events, be sure to sign up for HCT’s free e-news by clicking on the link in the upper right of your screen.