2018 Donation Dedications
In Memory:
In Memory of Frederick Adams
Julia (Judy) C. Adams
In Memory of Kathryn Howes Alvord
Clark and Harriet Alvord
In Memory of my wife Evie Armbruster
Ronald Armbruster
In Memory of Sara and Calvin Ayer
John and Cathy Ayer
In Memory of Bill Baldwin
Emily H. Baldwin
In Memory of George C. Baldwin, Jr.
Gail Hancock
Colin and Jane Stevenson
Kevin T. Sullivan
Catherine Hill Tapia
In Memory of Lee W. H. Baldwin
On Behalf of Baldwin, Hancock and Small Families
Connie L. Pina
In Memory of Tom Barker
Jean E. Barker
Kathleen Gallo
In Memory of Charles A. Barrett “Babe”
Priscilla Teleky and Paul W. Davis
Paul and Kristine Dery
Anna Fonts
Judie Garcia
John S. Garrity
Marcia Glode
Robert and Joanne Green
Rachael C. Jorgensen
Christina A. Joyce
Shirley Kemp
Kingsbury Landscapes
Marian B. and Gerald Manning
Doreen J. Mohr
Pete and Donna Peterson
Julie and John Pina
George I. Rockwood, Jr.
Margaret (Peggy) Rose
Phyllis Shaw
Paula M. Sousa
Edward and Joan Winslow
In Memory of Brett Albert Bauer
Brian A. Bauer
In Memory of Irene Bielakowski
Irving David Weiner
In Memory of Huck Borman
John and Kathleen Anne Welch
In Memory of the Bown Family
Richard and Mary Alexander
In Memory of Andy Briggs
Marcia Andrews
In Memory of Ethel “Eddy” Brown
Edward W. Brown
In Memory of Joyce Bush
David Bush and Leslie Dossey
In Memory of Callaghan Family
Robert and Laurie Callaghan
In Memory of Carole Campbell
Arthur Campbell
In Memory of Sheila Carbone
James J. Carbone
In Memory of Burke Carroll
Daniel and Mary Carroll
In Memory of Daniel B. Carroll, Jr.
Daniel and Mary Carroll
In Memory of Dennis Case
South Harwich Shore Association (SHSA)
In Memory of Caleb Chase
Virginia and Robert Doyle
In Memory of Caleb F. Childs
Raymond and Beverly Thacher
In Memory of Douglas Cole
Virginia M. Lucil
In Memory of Richard Connaughton
Joanne M. Baldauf
Henry (Rick) and Laureen Barsam, Jr.
Adrian and Gabriel Bresler
David and Carla Burke
Larry and Peg Callanan
Marie and Dennis Corcoran
Marvin and Jean DeBaise
Richard Hall and Kathleen Edwards
Evan and Mollie Hoorneman
Florence B. Lofberg
Thomas and Therese McGraw
Susan E. Quinn & Family
Kathryn Sabellico
Elaine J. Shea
Joanne Storey
Kathleen Storey
Christopher and Nancy Sweeney
Christine and Joe Tierney & Family
Aurele Thomas
Eleanor C. Winslow
In Memory of Richard and Ruth Connaughton
Margaret and Robert Klehm
Donna Gibbons and Mark Peterson
Margaret Fox-Tully
In Memory of Ruth Connaughton
Colleen Allen
(and special Accommodations from: Molly,
Sophia and Wendy in GEP)
Florence B. Lofberg
Kathryn Sabellico
Christopher and Nancy Sweeney
Eleanor (Ellie) Winslow
In Memory of Judd J. Corbett
Nino and Shannon Corbett
Ursula K. Corbett
In Memory of Judith Small Corkum
Colin and Jane Stevenson
In Memory of David G. Coupal
Margaret A. Coupal
In Memory of Ronald Croteau
Daniel P. Croteau
In Memory of Robert Cybulski
Jane MacAfee
In Memory of Megan Daley
Kevin and Beryl Daley
In Memory of Albert Dalmolen
Eve Dalmolen
In Memory of Robert Damiano
Grace Damiano
In Memory of Elisabeth and Lawrence Damon
Renny and Dottie Damon
In Memory of David M. Davis
Joan Flash Davis
In Memory of Edward and Adeline Davis
Carl and Deborah Sturgis
In Memory of Patricia Desler
David A. Desler
In Memory of Jack and Nancy Donovan
John S. Garrity
In Memory of Anna and Peter Dounelis
Robert Bradley and Maria Dounelis
In Memory of Tim and Mary Duggan
Dennis and Sherill Dugan
In Memory of Laura Dwyer
Henry and Donna Peterson
In Memory of Philip S. Eagan
Mary M. Eagan
In Memory of Linda Fall
David Crestin and Elizabeth Bierbower
In Memory of Mary Farragher
Katherine Farragher
In Memory of Mary Ruth Follas
John and Carroll Follas
In Memory of Jim and Kate Fournaris
Peter and Elaine Stark
In Memory of Jane and Jim Fryatt
Julie A. Gibson
In Memory of Sandy Garre
MaryJo Garre
In Memory of Marilyn R. Geller
Joel S. Geller
In Memory of Leona Goodspeed
Bill and Karen Goggins, Jr.
In Memory of Bill Gorham
Michael Gorham and Veronika Thiebach
In Memory of Greg Gowans
James and Laura Coughlin
In Memory of Ken and Ginny Grindell
Barry and Sylvia Fulcher
In Memory of Bea and Randy Gritzan
Patricia A. Gritzan
In Memory of Flo Haetinger
Russell and Sandra Shannon
In Memory of Robert R. Hampton
Cynthia A. Hampton
In Memory of Richard A. Hayes
Albert and Nancy Patterson
In Memory of John Heald
Roberta (Bobbie) McDonnell
In Memory of Mrs. Margaret Hensler
Joan G. Hensler
In Memory of Husband, Milton and Sons,
Mark and Peter Hirshberg
Carolyn E. Hirshberg
In Memory of Elizabeth E. Holbrook
John W. Holbrook
In Memory of Mabel Johnson
Vanessa Johnson-Hall
In Memory of Stan Kokoszka
Patricia Kokoszka
In Memory of Paul Kozar
Joan C. Kozar
In Memory of David Kraus
John and Anne Kraus
In Memory of Phil and Mary Krulik
John and Dianne Somers
In Memory of Michael LaDouceur
Edward and Constance LaDouceur
In Memory of James and Mary Lamont
George and Catherine Lamont
In Memory of Mary Elizabeth Langway
Chester C. Langway, Jr.
In Memory of Joe and Rita Leary
Joan V. Leary
In Memory of Robert J. Leshinski
Paula Champagne Lawton and Dennis W. Lawton
In Memory of Nathan G. Lieberson
Anna E. Lieberson
In Memory of Dr. Timothy Lyons and Ms. Ann Lyons
Richard and Patty Moriarty
In Memory of Anne Hogan Macheras
Roberta (Bobbie) McDonnell
In Memory of William E. MacLeod
Joseph Sheehan
In Memory of Louis Malluzzo, Jr.
Zoe Malluzzo
In Memory of Donald Martin
Mary G. Martin
William and Angela Mueller
In Memory of Joseph and Kitten McCamish
Patricia Donohoe
In Memory of Timothy P. McCauliff
Jane and David Murray
In Memory of Scot McClain
Henry and Donna Peterson
In Memory of my parents, George and Amy McDonald
Carolyn E. Hirshberg
In Memory of N. Joan McGuire
Brian A. Bauer
In Memory of my Mother, Celina Mendible
Rebecca J. Mendible
In Memory of Coralice Michaelan
Brian N. Michaelan
In Memory of Evelyn Moberg
Walter and Vonda Moberg
In Memory of Dr. Robert J. Moore, M.D.
Virgilio and Jane Victoriano, M.D.
In Memory of George Morris
Mary and Patrick Brophy
In Memory of Frederick Murphy
Barbara J. Murphy
In Memory of W. Sears Nickerson
Corliss Primavera
In Memory of Paul Norton
Buck and Lila Griswold
In Memory of Robert Our
Eileen M. Our
In Memory of Robert E. and Thomas R. Pelletier
Lois Anne Pelletier
In Memory of Christine Peterson
Henry and Donna Peterson
In Memory of Patricia Petro
Cass and Karen Cook
Walter and Violet Emery
Ira and Debbie Hufford
Donald and Alice Imbur
Paula and Cornelis Knynenburg
Dave and Judy Petro
Frank and Kathy Poplaski
In Memory of Stephen Petro
Pamela J. Petro
In Memory of John Preston
Harwich Real Estate and Open Space Committee
In Memory of Elizabeth L. Pring
Kenneth F. Pring
In Memory of Veronica and Eamon Quinn
Mary and Patrick Brophy
In Memory of Elwood and Mae Reeves
John and Susan Stinson
In Memory of Stella and Louis Riedl
Georgene Riedl and Ralph MacKenzie
In Memory of my Dad, Nicholas F. Rizzo, Sr.
Robert V. Condon III
Vita Marie Rizzo
In Memory of Nancy Roberts
Julie and Vince Kraft
In Memory of Carol A. Robinson
Russell C. Robinson, Jr.
In Memory of Wayne Robinson
Lee Chase
In Memory of Francis J. Roth, my Dad
Maryellen R. Lorefice
In Memory of Louise Russell
Otis Russell and Monica Lussier
In Memory of Margo Santoni
Jonathan and Julie Santoni
In Memory of Mary and Nanzio Schembri
Carmine Schembri
In Memory of Bill Schumann
Barry Johnson
Walter and Carol Knox
In Memory of H. Donald Scott
William and Karen Goggins, Jr.
Barbara Mackey
The Zookeeper, Andrew McDermott
In Memory of Joyce Scudder
Laurie J. Harrold
In Memory of Kevin Shea
Robert Henry and Beverly Mack
In Memory of Greg Small
On Behalf of Baldwin, Small and Hancock Families
In Memory of Geoffry Groff-Smith
Tom and Nancy Whiteley
In Memory of Isabel Smith
Anne Hayes
In Memory of Preston Smith
Stephen Erwin and Barbara Tomasian
In Memory of Robert F. Smith
Richard and Deborah Clough
Elizabeth Collins
Elizabeth Cook
Nino and Shannon Corbett
Anne C. Hayes
Pattie A. Smith
In Memory of Russell Smith
Richard and Deborah Clough
In Memory of Ruth Smith
Richard and Deborah Clough
In Memory of June and Morton Snowhite
Pamela J. Petro
In Memory of Charles (Chuck) Spenser
Frank and Mary Wojciechowski
In Memory of Marcia B. Stewart
Patti A. Smith
Trudie and John Steel
In Memory of Ted Stewart
Barbara A. Tomasian and Stephen H. Erwin
In Memory of Edith M. Strauss
Grey and Leslie Meier
In Memory of Fred R. Street
Barbara A. Brown
In Memory of Ken Supko
Joyce Supko
In Memory of Ken and Glenna Swanton
Bette B. Swanton
In Memory of Mary and Tom Taylor
Robert and Jane Sumner
In Memory of Robert Thomas
Harwich Real Estate and Open Space Committee
In Memory of Esther and Walter Trainer
Sara Trainer
In Memory of my Mother Lucy A. Tutunjian
Linda Flaherty
Patricia A. Tutunjian
In Memory of John Valatkevicz
Fred and Kathy Budreski
In Memory of Charles O. Verrill
Henry and Eleanor Hood
In Memory of Joe and Anne Welch
Dean and Marjorie Smeltzer
In Memory of George C. Whitehead
In Memory of Peggy and George Whitehead
Richard and Maryjane Whitehead
In Memory of Frank and Cappy Whitman
Katharine W. Fizer
In Memory of Sara Wittenstein
Philip and Elizabeth Wittenstein
In Memory of Timothy Wollard
Georgene Riedl and Ralph MacKenzie
In Memory of Rose Wojciechowski
Frank H. Wojciechowski
In Memory of Bruce Young
John and Cathy Ayer
In Memory of Richard Young
Sandra P. Young
In Honor:
In Honor of the Baldwin Family
Kevin T. Sullivan
In Honor of George Baldwin
Catherine Hill Tapia
In Honor of Marilyn S. Barry
Noel B. Stella
In Honor of Boundary Quest Team
Mario (Al) Boragine
Clayton (Tony) and Mary Jane Ryan
In Honor of Peter Buffington
Joanna Buffington
In Honor of Allan and Martha Campbell
William (Bill) and Christina (Tina) Maloney
In Honor of 17 wonderful years of living on Cape Cod
Anne W. Gallagher
In Honor of Alva (Bowman) Chaletzky
Alan and Bette Johnson
In Honor of Annie Cool
Stephen and Elizabeth May
In Honor of Patricia Desler
David A. Desler
In Honor of Pat Dooley (who made it possible)
Emily H. Baldwin
In Honor of Leonard Goddard
Jacquelyn Goddard
In Honor of the Good Work you all do at HCT!
James and Barbara Fyfe
In Honor of my Grandchildern who love Harwich as I do!
Lynn Schweinshaut
In Honor of HCT and the Natural Wonders it has saved
Jane A. Pedersen
in Honor of HCT’s Staff, Michael, Jane, Alva
Shirley Knowles
In Honor of Nancy Hipp, who volunteers time at HCT
Nancy Wigley
In Honor of Christina Joyce
John and Carol Joyce
Joseph and Lynne Lavieri
In Honor of Mike Lach
Deborah Nelson Aylesworth
Elizabeth (Pem) Schultz
In Honor of Don Landing
Ben Clark
Deb and Tom Saudade
In Honor of Tom Leach, Harbormaster-Retired
Kathleen and Robert K. Leach
In Honor of Colin Leonard (who made it possible)
Emily H. Baldwin
In Honor of Marge Marion
Connie L. Pina
In Honor of Donald H. Martin
Mary G. Martin
In Honor of Matt and Chris
Andrea (Taffy) Aldrovandi
In Honor of my Mother, who loves Harwich
Emma Driskill
In Honor of Nature
Connie Edger-Davis
In Honor of Tom and Doris Philips
Charles and Rosemary Philips
In Honor of Heinz Proft
Deborah Nelson Aylesworth
In Honor of “Rocky”
Robert and Dianne Payne
In Honor of Domenic J F and Rosemarie Russo
Mark and Elizabeth Russo
In Honor of Ruth Saltzman
Beth and Michael Aaronson
In Honor of Mary Saudade
Ben Clark
Deb and Tom Saudade
In Honor of Fred and Dorothy Seufert
William and Katherine Green
In Honor of Isabel Smith
David Crestin and Elizabeth Bierbower
Charles and Barbara Birdsey
In Honor of Patti Smith
Trudie and John Steel
In Honor of Link Thacher
Raymond and Beverly Thacher
In Honor of Thompson Field
John and Ingrid Peak
In Honor of Lucy Tutunjian
Joan C. Lafond
In Honor of the Weinbaum Family
Burton and Joyce Weinbaum
My Newfoundland Dog, Oliver, loves his Conservation areas. Please continue.
Maryrose Reynolds