2017 Donation Dedications

In Memory:


In Memory of Frederick N. Adams
Julia C. Adams

In Memory of Richard F. Anton
Kathleen E. Sinnamon and Nathaniel Lawton

In Memory of my wife Evie Armbruster
Ronald Armbruster

In Memory of Kevin Armstrong
Taylor (Tab) and Susan Mills

In Memory of Bill Baldwin
Emily Baldwin
Michael and Kendra McKinley

In Memory of Lee H. Baldwin
The Baldwin, Small, Hancock clans
Bruce and Beverly Nightingale
Connie L. Pina
Colin and Jane Stevenson

In Memory of my dear sister, Lee H. Baldwin
Gail Hancock

In Memory of William T. Barker (Tom)
Jean E. Barker
Kathleen Gallo

In Memory of Dick Beaton
Angela and William Mueller

In Memory of Karen Berkery
Robert and Marilyn Grimm

In Memory of Irene Bielakowski
Irving David Weiner

In Memory of Edmee and Charles Bradley
Maria and Robert Bradley

In Memory of Michael Breitenfeldt
Stephen Erwin and Barbara Tomasian

In Memory of Andy Briggs
Marcia Andrews

In Memory of Francis E. Brophy
Mary and Pat Brophy

In Memory of Eddy Brown
Ed W. Brown

In Memory of Joyce Bush
David Bush and Leslie Dossey

In Memory of George Francias Cahill
Diane Le Duc

In Memory of Carole Campbell
Arthur B. Campbell III

In Memory of Herbert Campbell
Deborah Nelson Aylesworth

In Memory of Malcolm Campbell
James Shannon and Jenny Campbell

In Memory of Ronan Campion
Carolyn M. Campion

In Memory of Joyce C. Clifford
Lawrence Clifford

In Memory of Ingrid Clouther, Steve’s Schatz
Steve Clouther

In Memory of Douglas Cole
Virginia M. Lucil

In Memory of Katharine and Charles Corbett
Dick and Anne Simmons

In Memory of Judd J. Corbett
Ursula K. Corbett

In Memory of Dave Coupal
Margaret A. Coupal

In Memory of Ellie Craig
John Craig

In Memory of David Crary
Jane Pedersen

In Memory of Jacqueline Croce
Russell J. Croce

In Memory of Mary Cushing
David and Evelyn Tobey

In Memory of Albert Dalmolen
E. Evelyn (Eve) Dalmolen

In Memory of Robert Damiano
Barbara Tabak and David Damiano
Grace Damiano

In Memory of Elisabeth and Lawrence Damon
Lawrence (Renny) and Dottie Damon

In Memory of Martha and Frederick Davis
Ross and Bonnie Hall

In Memory of Patricia Ann Desler
David A. Desler

In Memory of Leo E. Diehl
Nancy Diehl DiGiovanni

In Memory of Susan DiGiovanni
Nancy DiGiovanni

In Memory of Maggie Donovan
Edward G. Donovan, Jr.

In Memory of Mary and Tim Duggan
Dennis and Sherill Duggan

In Memory of Laura “Lori” Jean Dwyer
Michael Lach
Donna Peterson

In Memory of our children: Laura “Lori” Dwyer,
Scot McClain and Christine Peterson
Henry and Donna Peterson

In Memory of Walter Dybik
Richard and Karen Shotz

In Memory of Philip S. Eagan
Mary Eagan

In Memory of Lillian Audrey Eagles
Dana B. Eagles
Jane Pedersen

In Memory of Kenneth and Dora Eaton
Lois E. Eaton

In Memory of Janie (Vincent) Emanuel
David and Trish Vincent

In Memory of Naida B. Emery
Fred Neiser

In Memory of Mary Ruth Follas
John and Carroll Follas

In Memory of Jim and Kate Fournaris
Peter and Elaine Stark

In Memory of Elbert and Anne Fox
Cynthia Rupp

In Memory of Jane and Jim Fryatt
Julie A. Gibson

In Memory of Samuel Garre III
Mary Jo S. Garre

In Memory of Marilyn R. Geller
Joel S. Geller

In Memory of Francis Gibbons
From all the Connaughton’s

In Memory of Leonard Goddard
Jacque Goddard

In Memory of Richard Golden
John and Carol Joyce

In Memory of Leona H. Goodspeed
Bill and Karen Goggins

In Memory of Bill Gorham
Michael Gorham and Veronika Thiebach

In Memory of our Grandparents
Jonathon and Sarah Idman

In Memory of Arv Groswald
Lee Chase

In Memory of Russell Haglof
Anne Haglot

In Memory of Warren Franklin Hall
Karen A. Hall

In Memory of James R. Hamel
Pauline R. Hamel

In Memory of Robert R. Hampton
Cynthia A. Hampton

In Memory of James D. Hanlon
Alex and Eileen Pouch

In Memory of Ralph and Eleanor Hayward
Tom and Sue Banchich

In Memory of Robert C. Healy
Jane P. Healy

In Memory of George and Marjory Helm
John and Jennifer Helm Geurtsen

In Memory of Elizabeth E. Holbrook
John W. Holbrook

In Memory of Bob Hopkins
Robert Henry and Beverly Mack

In Memory of John J. Horton
Susan R. Horton

In Memory of Betty Keeshan
Bobbie McDonnell

In Memory of the Kelman Girls – Iris and Marcia
Andrea Aldrovandi

In Memory of Phil Krulik
John and Dianne Somers

In Memory of Michael LaDouceur
Edward and Constance LaDouceur

In Memory of Ann Laing
Joan and Edward (Ted) Janse

In Memory of Jim and Mary Lamont
George and Catherine Lamont

In Memory of Mary Elizabeth Langway
Chester C. Langway, Jr.

In Memory of Bob Larson
Karin Larson

In Memory of Barbara F. Lee
George I. Rockwood, Jr.

In Memory of Marie Lee
Robert Doyle and Virginia Lee

In Memory of Kevin J. Leete
Anne Leete

In Memory of Nathan G. Lieberson
Anna E. Lieberson

In Memory of Emily (Atkins) Lindberg
Alan and Linda Brewster
Cape Cod Framingham University Club
Priscilla Lockwood
M. Jeannette Sluth
Elizabeth Pem Schultz

In Memory of Barbara “Bobby” Loftus
Gerard and Susan Loftus

In Memory of Joseph Lolli
Chiara Lolli

In Memory of Vic and Dot Magnuson
James and Karen Magnuson Beil

In Memory of Marion Marsh
Suzanne Routhier

In Memory of Bruce Matonis
Michael and Barbara Dowd

In Memory of Louis Malluzo, Jr.
Zoe Malluzo

In Memory of Timothy McCauliff
David and Jane Murray

In Memory of Scot McClain
Donna Peterson

In Memory of James McCroskery
Walter Leginski

In Memory of Harold McKenna
E. Bulkeley and Lila Griswold

In Memory of Pota L. Meier
Walter J. Meier

In Memory of Celina Mendible
Raymond and Elizabeth Brown
Bill and Brenda Collins
Constance R. Lenk
William and Anne Marie Litchfield
John and Felicia Murphy
Julie Pina
Mel and Carol Scott

In Memory of My Mother
Heidi E. Brewer

In Memory of W. Sears Nickerson
Corliss Primavera

In Memory of Paul Opacki
Shirley Knowles

In Memory of Moira R. Orr
Joseph Orr

In Memory of Robert B. Our
Eileen M. Our

In Memory of John L. Parker
Muriel E. Parker

In Memory of Robert E. and son, Thomas R. Pelletier
Lori Anne Pelletier

In Memory of Christine E. Peterson
Henry (Pete) Peterson

In Memory of Stephen Petro
Pamela J. Petro

In Memory of Marion M. Phair
Donald N. Phair

In Memory of Peggy Robbins Phillips
Barry and Sylvia Fulcher

In Memory of Mary Porciello
John and Connie Young

In Memory of Elizabeth L. Pring
Kenneth F. Pring

In Memory of Robert Quinn
From All the Connaughton’s

In Memory of Dorothy Richards
Keith and Jayne Phelps

In Memory of Stella and Louis Riedl
Georgene Riedl and Ralph MacKenzie

In Memory of Nancy Roberts
Vince and Julie Kraft

In Memory of Carol Ann Robinson
Russell C. Robinson, Jr.

In Memory of Wayne Robinson
Lee Chase

In Memory of David and Sally Russell
Fred and Kathleen Budreski

In Memory of Louise Russell
Natalie R. Cocroft
Otis Russell and Monica Lussier

In Memory of Thomas Ryan
Ridgeport Owners Association

In Memory of Miriam and Manny Shotz
Richard and Karen Shotz

In Memory of Bill Schumann
Amy Natiello and Charles Abate

Deborah Nelson Aylesworth
Maureen L. Carey
Kevin & Leigh Ann Catlin (Uncle Bill)
Michael and Gail Domanski
Walter and Linda Felice
Nancy Foster
Melinda Hamilton
Dectora and Chris Jeffers
Barry Johnson
Carole L. Kull
Cheryl Masingill
Hugh (Tim) and Beverly millar
Bruce and Beverly Nightingale
Arthur and Judith Palleschi
Nancy and Gary Placko
Berit and John Schumacher
William and Margaret Smith
Joseph and Christine Tierney
Carl and Elaine Verrusio
John and Kathleen Welch
Patti A. Smith

In Memory of H. Donald Scott
Robert Froh and Barbara Baker
Catherine Conover Covert
John Dufault, Eastward Ho!
Mike and Marcy Farmer
William and Karen Goggins
Robert F. Grossman
Jane Henderson
Nancy F. Hipp
Jeanne Branson and DeeDee Holt
Shirley Knowles
Christopher and Kathleen Lacroix
Shari Lyden
Dick and Pat Nelson
Sally Newkirk
Mike and Jane O’Connell
George Philippides
David and Elizabeth Renke
Ronald and Susan Roberts
Herbert and Joanna Schurmann
John and Diane Sciacchitano
Aurelio Bonavia and Bruce Scrimgeour
Dan Sparta
Ms. Eleanor C. Winslow
Dave and Carol Wormuth
Christopher M. Zocca

In Memory of Greg Small
The Baldwin, Small, Hancock clans

In Memory of Isabel Smith
Anne C. Hayes

In Memory of Robert F. Smith
Osborne and Joyce Bearse, III
Nino and Shannon Corbett (my friend)
Chris and Ann Donner

In Memory of June and Morton Snowhite
Pamela J. Petro

In Memory of Laurel Sorenson
Richard Cooper

In Memory of Star
Barbara Eastman

In Memory of Fred R. Street
Barbara A. Brown-Street

In Memory of Ken and Glenna Swanton
Bette B. Swanton

In Memory of Emma Baxter Symmes
Christopher and Nancy Sweeney

In Memory of Michael Tannert
Margot and Herb Stern

In Memory of Dolly and Tom Terrio
Thomas and Bethany Terrio, Jr.

In Memory of Cormac Thomas
Charles and Cheryl Barnes

In Memory of John Trimbach
Frank and Mary Wojciechowski

In Memory of Lucy Ann Tutunjian
Gail A. Brooks
Midge and Bud Dey
William and Christine Hayes
Ricci and Loretta LaCentra
David Flaherty and Joan & Jerry LaFond
Lisa Melpignano
Mrs. Muriel E. Parker
Margaret (Chris) Reeves
Andrew Slifka
Richard Slifka
Marion K. Tutunjian
Patricia A. Tutunjian

In Memory of Glen B. Umphrey
Jane R. Umphrey

In Memory of Charles O. Verrill
Henry and Eleanor Hood

In Memory of Jack Viall
Kathy St. George

In Memory of Mildred and Robert Walker
Roberta W. McColl

In Memory of Marie E. Walsh
Anne R. Baggs

In Memory of Eleanor Watmough
Amy W. Chambers

In Memory of Anne Welch
Joel and Judith Bullard
Dennis and Paula Lawton
Dean and Marjorie Smeltzer
John and Pauline Woodward

In Memory of Joe and Anne Welch
Jacob and Barbara Brown

In Memory of Joe Welch
Joe and Judy Bullard

In Memory of George C. Whitehead

In Memory of Robert Wilkinson
Elizabeth Naughton

In Memory of Uncle “Sandy” Wiper
Raymond (Link) and Beverly (Bev) Thacher

In Memory of Timothy Woollard
Georgene Riedl and Ralph MacKenzie

In Memory of Bruce C. Young
John and Cathy Ayer

In Memory of Francis T. Worrell
Marjorie Worrell

In Memory of Harry S. Zaluzny
Ruth B. Zaluzny


In Honor:


In Appreciation of Gerie Schumann
Gary and Doris Miller

In Appreciation for Thompson Field
John and Ingrid Peak

In Honor of the Alberts Family
Jonathan Alberts and Marilyn Marx

In Honor of All Land Trusts
Frank and Mary Wojciechowski

In Honor of Aunt Donna’s new dreams
Garin and Crystal Casaleggio

In Honor of Kathryn Howes Alvord
Clark and Harriet Alvord, II

In Honor of the Preservation of Animals
John and Sandy Koski

In Honor of Mario (Al) Boragine
Dave and Dorothy Callaghan

In Honor of the Boundary Quest Team
Mario (Al) Boragine

In Honor of Caroline and Peter Brand
Ely Brand and Nancy Messing

In Honor of Jacob and Barbara Brown
James H. Bride III

In Honor of Martha and Allan Campbell
William and Christina Maloney

In Honor of Cornelius Pond Project
Michael and Virginia O’Halloran

In Honor of Albert Dalmolen
Frances Evelyn Dalmolen

In Honor of David and Alice Doherty
Kathleen D. Griffin

In Honor of Chris Donner
Jennifer Caruso

In Honor of Robert S. Engel
Carolyn Engel

In Honor of Tom Evans
Dorothy Savarese

In Honor of Linda Fall
David Crestin and Elizabeth Bierbower

In Honor of Peter and Bette Fishbein’s 60th
Wedding Anniversary
Sara Shields and Bruce Fishbein

in Honor of Bill Gorham
John and Linda Harvey

In Honor of the William Gorham Family
Edward and Joan Winslow

In Honor of HCT’s Good Work
Tom and Joan Dolan
Joseph S. Manson

In Honor of Madeline Gould
Susan M. Bartick

In Honor of my grandchildren who will hopefully enjoy
the beauty of Harwich for years to come
Lynn M. Schweinshaut

In Honor of my grandchildren, Veronica, Ivy, Lincoln and Olivia
Andrea Aldrovandi

In Honor of HCT Volunteers
Mary Jane and Clayton (Tony) Ryan, Jr.

In Honor of Wilbur and Aline Johnson
Vanessa Johnson-Hall

In Honor of Christina Joyce
John and M. Carol Joyce
Joseph and Lynne Lavieri

In Honor of Chris Joyce, our friend
Robert (Doc) and Rosann Donahue

In Honor of John Kenny
Greta Tyson and Alburt Rosenberg

In Honor of Michael W. Lach
Herbert and Cynthia Lach
Elizabeth Lewis
Nancy Wigley

In Honor of Michael Lach toward purchase of
15 acres, Cornelius Pond
Nancy Wigley

In Honor of Kimberly Longy and Peter Lapointe
Marty Lapointe-Malchik

In Honor of Thomas E. Leach, Harbormaster (retired)
Robert and Kathleen Leach

In Honor of John J. Lee
Gerry O’Malley

In Honor of Joseph and Lillian Malevich
Joan E. Malevich

In Honor of Louis Malluzzo, Jr.
Zoe Malluzzo

In Honor of Finn McCool (loves Thompson Field)
Michael McMahon

In Honor of Jean McGuire
Jeffrey and Barbara McGuire

In Honor of Ian Mickle
Rich Mickle

In Honor of Thomas Paine “Common Sense”
William and Margaret Kenney

In Honor of Oliver E. Pelton
Carol G. Pelton

In Honor of my Wonderful Aunt Donna Peterson
Crystal and Garin Casaleggio

In Honor of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of
Bob and Noel Rebello
Colin and Jane Stevenson

In Honor of Gerie Schumann
Amy Natiello and Charles Abat
Taylor (Tab) and Susan Mills
Arthur and Judith Palleschi

In Honor of Gerie Schumann’s Birthday
David Metzler
Taylor and Susan Mills
Nancy B. Poor
John and Kathleen Anne Welch

In Honor of Don Scott
Eunice D. Burley

In Honor of 80th Birthday of Peter Selig
Miriam A. Selig

In Honor of Isabel Smith
David Crestin and Elizabeth Bierbower

In Honor of Robert Smith
Nino and Shannon Corbett
Julia Hohmeyer and Harriet Iles

In Honor of Tawny who loves all the Conservation Lands
Michael and Martha Sekerak

In Honor of Allen Ward
Barbara Meyer

In Honor of Senator Dan Wolf
Bobbie McDonnell

In Honor of Blair and Anne Wormer
Paul Keary and Jeanne Lapierre