2015 Donation Dedications

In Memory:

In Memory of Nat and Edna Allen
Ronald M. Allen

In Memory of Kathryn Howes Alvord
Clark and Harriet Alvord

In Memory of Ralph “Bud” Angier
H. Vincent and Mirande Dupuy DeWitt

In Memory of Evie Armbruster
Ronald Armbruster

In Memory of Bill Baldwin
John and Leann Allen
Thomas M. and Janet Evans
Emily Horne
Daphne & Dan Keeler
James and Patricia Macko
Ryan Mann
Michael and Kendra McKinley
Sean and Verna Mulready
Henry and Donna Peterson
John and Adrienne Richardson
Robert and Patti Smith
Kenneth and Anne Stevenson
Marcia Tyler

In Memory of William T. (Tom) Barker
Jean Barker
Kathleen Gallo

In Memory of Lee Baldwin
Sherill Baldwin and Kimball Cartwright Jr.
Michael W. Lach
Connie L. Pina
William and Gerie Schumann

In Memory of Muriel Bogdanoff
Suzanne Bogdanoff

In Memory of Edward, Loretta and Robert Bown
Richard and Mary Alexander

In Memory of Eddy Brown
Edward W. Brown

In Memory of Carole Campbell
Arthur Campbell

In Memory of Malcolm Campbell
Jenny Campbell

In Memory of Harry A. Cassel
Jane MacAfee

In Memory of Beth Ann Cesare (Volunteer)
Keith A. and Jayne M. Phelps

 In Memory of Paula F. Clifford
John Clifford

In Memory of Judd J. Corbett
Ursula K. Corbett

In Memory of Dave Coupal
Margaret Coupal

In Memory of Albert Dalmolen
Eve Dalmolen

In Memory of Robert A. Damiano
Marc and Bari Adelman
Doris and Elizabeth Schroeder Carbone (Doris Brother)
Grace R. Damiano
Philip and Alice Doyle
Marion Garnsey
Marion Hosmer
Bruce and Olga Howard
Johnnie and Emiko Montoya
Robert and Mary Murphy
Richard and Beverly Ryan
Greg and Maureen Shaw

In Memory of Elisabeth and Lawrence B. Damon
Renny and Dottie Damon

In Memory of Dorothy Darbyshire
Seth Hudak and Inez Giles

In Memory of Martha and Frederick Davis
Ross and Martha Hall

In Memory of Peter and Anna Dounelis
Robert and Maria Dounelis Bradley

In Memory of Philip S. Eagan
Mary M. Eagan

In Memory of Grand-Father Josiah L. Eldredge
L. L. Eldridge, Jr. M. D.

In Memory of Charles Falconio
Andrew J. Falconio

In Memory of Margaret Mary Ferrucci
James C. Ferrucci, (M.D.)

In Memory of Carolyn Margaret Field
Fr. Fred-Munro Ferguson, SSC

In Memory of Seima Fitzpatrick
Ronald and Maureen Boisvert

In Memory of Mary Ruth Follas
John and Carroll Follas

In Memory of Richard Gassan
Sabine Prather

In Memory of Vernon Golay
Pamela G. Latimer

In Memory of Good Dogs, Flannel and Odie
Roberta A. McDonnell

In Memory of Leona Howes Goodspeed
Bill and Karen Goggins

In Memory of William H. (Bill) Gorham
Jonathan and Susan ChoreyWoolsey and Beatrice Conover
Sidney Coursen
Edward T. O’Dell
Helen (Terre) Gilmore
Michael Scott Gorham and Veronika Thiebach
Linda G. Harvey (my brother)
Mary Jackson
Barbara Scott Josselyn
Joan and Robert Lavin
Grace N. Lee
Eugene and Judy McCulloch
Bard and Marilyn McLean
Taylor (Tab) and Susan Mills
Carolyn Gorham Murray
Donna Pearson, Eastwood Ho!
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Pomeroy
John and June Robinson
George I. Rockwood, Jr.
Les Scherck
William and Gerie Schumann
Michael Serluco

In Memory of James R. Hamel
Pauline Hamel

In Memory of Florence Hancock
Sherrill Baldwin and Kimball Cartwright Jr.

In Memory of David J. Harrigan
Chiarina E. Harrigan

In Memory of John (Jack) Havlin
Samuel and Suzanne Winsper

In Memory of Eleanor and Ralph Hayward
Sue and Tom Banchich
Sally and Louis Urbano

In Memory of Robert C. Healy
Jane P. Healy

In Memory of Therese and Suzanne Hebert
Normand Hebert

In Memory of George and Marjory Helm
John and Jennifer Helm Geurtsen

In Memory of Elizabeth E. Holbrook
John Holbrook

In Memory of John Joseph Horton
Susan Horton

In Memory of Morgan Hudson
Nelle Huettig

In Memory of Marcia K. Iddles
Andrea Aldrovandi

In Memory of Donald Kelly
Carol J. Kelly

In Memory of Sally Kimball
Ridgeport Owner’s Association

In Memory of Edward Kineke
Jim and Jane Shulman and Family

In Memory of Michael LaDouceur
Edward and Constance LaDouceur

In Memory of Persis McClennen Lane
John Ketchum and Dinah Lane

In Memory of Robert (Bob) Larson
Albert and Jeanne Barker
David Farer and Elisa King
Barbara Feehrer
Charles and Kathleen Galvin
Karin Larson
Marla Menzies
Joan Nickerson
South Harwich Shore Association (SHSA)
Karen Wright

In Memory of Timothy McCauliff
Jane and David Murray

In Memory of Scot Bryan McClain
Henry and Donna Peterson

In Memory of James McCroskery
George and Carol Epple
Janet McCroskery

In Memory of Barbara A. Melcher
James A. Robinson

In Memory of Ellen Merwede
Florence Lofberg

In Memory of Joan Scully Metz
Peter Metz

In Memory of Our Beloved Midas
Francis and Barbara Gillis

In Memory of Tip and Millie O’Neill
Rosemary D. O’Neill

In Memory of Robert Our
Eileen M. Our

In Memory of John L. Parker
Muriel E. Parker

In Memory of Martha and Paul Peavy
Martha and Michael Sekerak

In Memory of Christine Peterson
Henry and Donna Peterson

In Memory of Barbara Poitrast
Ridgeport Owner’s Association

In Memory of Elizabeth L. .Pring
Kenneth F. Pring

In Memory of Thomas J. Quatromoni
Amy Q. McClennen

In Memory of Marion Jane Borkey Richards
Jeff and Kelly Richards

In Memory of Stella and Louis Riedl
Georgene Riedl

In Memory of Dr. John Ristuccia
W. A. and Janine Hojnoski

In Memory of Dorothy Roberts
Anne C. Hayes
William and Gerie Schumann

In Memory of Carol A. Robinson
Russell C. Robinson

In Memory of Norman Routhier
Suzanne Routhier

In Memory of Louise Russell
Nathalie Rachel Cocroft

In Memory of Sally Russell
Fred and Kathleen Budreski

In Memory of Gregory Small
Sherill Baldwin and Kimball Cartwright
Paul and Frances Ballam
Judith K. Brainerd
Clare M. Donovan
Harwich Ecumenical CNCL for Homeless Inc.
Irwin and Sheila Heller
Dorothy G. Hemmings and David A. Bassett
Mary E. Jackson
Janet H. Jansson
Patrick and Rebecca Judge
Barbara F. Lee
Edmund and Karen Marcarelli
David Pickett
Sally A. Rossetti
William and Gerie Schumann
Raymond and Beverly Thacher

In Memory of Isabel Smith
David Crestin and Elizabeth Bierbower
Carol J. Kelly
Janet H. Jansson
Joan V. Leary
Barbara F. Lee
Richard and Mary Pickett
William and Gerie Schumann

In Memory of Marsha Landgraf Smith
Ginger Plum Lane Association

In Memory of Robert F. Smith
Ardio, Sweeney, Stausse, Robertson & Dupuy, P.C.
Julian and Elaine Baird
Emily Baldwin
Paul and Frances Ballam
Debra A. Bassett
David Bassett and Dorothy Hemmings
Donald and Sally Bradford
Robert and Maria Bradley
Osborne and Joyce Bearse
Glenn and Connie Bechard
Anne Beckert
Peter Bonneau and Kathleen Chertok
Robert D. Gourgoin
Richard and Kristine Brennen
Brewster Conservation Trust
Lynn Bruneau
Bob and Jean Buchanan
Joel and Judy Bullard
Larry and Francine Carbonneau (Stove Place II)
George Cavanaugh and Joe D’Elia
Howard Chabner and Michele Desha
Chatham Conservation Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Carl and Nancy Clapp
James Connolly (Eldredge & Bourne M/S)
Robert and Dorothy Coombes
Peter Copelas
Nino and Shannon Corbett
Ursula K. Corbett
Mary J. Curran
William and Judith Davis
David and Abigail Doherty
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Doherty, Jr.
Tom and Joan Dolan
Christopher S. Donner (VMD)
Carol Drewes
Marilyn Drewes
Thomas and Janet Evans
Margo Fenn
Charles and Mary Ferris, Jr.
Beth Finch
First Congregational Church of Harwich
Robert and Linda Ford
Stephen and Patricia Ford
Frank and Stephanie Foster
Frederick and Eileen Fowler
Harold and Jill Gabriel
Garden Club of Harwich
William and Karin Goggins
George and Barbara Grasso
Stephen E. Grizey
Harwich Ecumenical CNCL for Homeless Inc.
Anne C. Hayes
Nancy Haynes
Jane P. Healy
William and Barbara Hill
Nancy F. Hipp
Virginia Iannini
Bradford H. Johnson
Peter and Eleanor Johnson
Barry Knowles (Old Cape Real Estate)
Shirley M. Knowles
Christopher and Eleanor Koehler
Karl and Claire Koski
Peter and Sheryl Kropp
Michael W. Lach
Joan V. Leary
Phillip and Susan Lindquist
Gerard Loftus
Deborah H. London
Nancy S. Lowery
Brian and Carol Lucas
Bruce MacGregor and Karen O’Connor
Mary Manning
Marquerite E. Marion
Edward Maroney
Tom and Linda Marshall
William Marsh (Eastward Companies)
Lawrence S. McAuliffe, M.D.
Eliza McClennen and Herbert Heidt
Eileen McEleney
Jeffrey and Barbara McGuire
Gregory and Leslie Meier
Taylor (Tab) and Susan Mills
Lida N. Miner
Robert McNulty and Barbara Madson
R. Dennis O’Connell
Jane A. Pedersen
Henry and Donna Peterson
Susan D. Peterson
Nan Poor
Robert and Noel Rebello
Georgene Riedl
Cynthia B. Robotham
Christopher and Jean Rockett
John and Barbara Roessner
Margaret (Peggy) Rose
Ed and Earline Rubel
Terence and Anne Marie Russell
Laurian Schultz, Realty A/C
William and Judith Shinkwin
Susan T. Shoch
Myer and Elaine Singer
Richard and Charlotte Singer
Steve and Elizabeth Smith (Brother)
Larry and Anne Spaulding
John and Gertrude Steel
Colin and Jane Stevenson
Jill Talladay
Seth F. Taylor
Raymond and Beverly Thacher
The Cape Cod Foundation
David and Nancy Thyng
Toabe and Riley Law office
Barbara Tomasian and Stephen Erwin
Patricia A. Tutunjian
Bob and Judy Valchuis
William and Lois Vandeheuvel
Allan and Ann Waters
Susan W. Weinstein
Nancy Wigley
Gordon and Carol Wright
Wayne and Lucille Zibrat

In Memory of Ruth Smith
Richard and Deborah Clough
Mary L. Hidden

Memory of Morton Snowhite
David and Judy Hufford-Petro
Marguerite Harrison and Pamela Petro

In Memory of Richard J. Sullivan, Sr.
Samuel and Suzanne Winsper

In Memory of Emma Baxter Symmes
Christopher Sweeney and Nancy Symmes

In Memory of Cormac Thomas
Charles and Cheryl Barnes

In Memory of Robert W. Udell
Joyce H. Udell

In Memory of Charles O. Verrill
Henry and Eleanor Hood

In Memory of Marion and James Walker
Margaret E. Walker

In Memory of Patricia (Pat) E. White
Richard and Ruth Connaughton

In Memory of William White
Richard and Ruth Connaughton

In Memory of Harry S. Zaluzny
Ruth B. Zaluzny

In Memory of Margaret Ann Zapple
Jean Zapple


In Honor:

In Honor of All of my Fellow Volunteers
Clayton T. Ryan, Jr.

In Honor of Bill Baldwin
Henry and Donna Peterson

In Honor of Mario (Al) Boragine
Clayton T. Ryan

In Honor of the Brophy Family
Patrick and Mary Brophy

In Honor of Dave Callaghan for outstanding work on HCT’s
Programs, particularly “Boundry Quest”
Mario (Al) Boragine

In Honor of Alva (Bowman) Chaletzky
Alan and Bette Johnson

In Honor of Doug Cole
Virginia Lucil

In Honor of Katharine and Charles Corbett
Richard and Anne Simmons

In Honor of Randy and Ellen Fisher
Paul Fournier

In Honor of Harwich High School Class of 1960
Norman A. Fennel Foundation

In Honor of the efforts of HCT!
Paul Keary and Jeanne Lapierre

In Honor of HCT’s Good Work!
R. Dennis O’Connell

In Honor of HCT Staff
Barbie Learnard Chase

In Honor of my grandchildren who will enjoy the cape for years to come
Lynn Schweinshaut

In Honor of the Great Work Harwich Conservation Trust does
Frank and Mary Wojciechowski

In Honor of Christina Joyce
Shirley Knowles
Joseph and Lynne Lavieri
James and Eleanor Poor

In Honor of Michael W. Lach
Herbert and Cynthia Lach Jr.
Kathryn M. Meyers

In Honor of Michael Lach – turtle man
Bob Prescott

In Honor of Thomas E. Leach
Bob and Kathleen Leach

In Honor of Barbara F. Lee
George I. Rockwood, Jr.

In Honor of Nathan Lieberson
Anna Lieberson

In Honor of James Nikula
Joan and David Davis

In Honor of Phelan and Green Cape
Roberta Allen McConnell

In Honor of Sara Jane Porter
James McGuinnes

In Honor of Ruth Saltzman
Michael and Beth Aaronson

In Honor of Bob Smith
Thomas M. and Janet Evans

In Honor of Thompson Field
John and Ingrid Peak