2014 Donation Dedications
In Memory:
In Memory of Frederick N. Adams
Julia C. Adams
In Memory of Ralph Bud Angier
Susan T. Shoch
In Memory of Richard G.Baldauf
Joanne M. Baldauf
In Memory of William T. (Tom) Baker
Kathleen Gallo
In Memory of Peggy Barnes
Charles and Cheryl Barnes
In Memory of Ted Barrett
Emily L. Barrett
In Memory of Barbara A. Belanger
Peter Jon and Janice Ronalter
In Memory of beloved Midas
Francis and Barbara Gillis
In Memory of Elizabeth S. Bernhard
George T. Bernard
In Memory of Eddy Brown
Edward W. Brown
In Memory of Dan Buckley
Deborah and Mark Fortin
In Memory of Carole Campbell
Arthur B. Campbell
In Memory of Beth Ann Cesare (Volunteer)
Keith and Jayne Phelps
In Memory of Melantha Cleveland
Jan and Jean Kalicki
In Memory of Co Hung Dao
Michael Cunningham and Phuong Dao
In Memory of Douglas Cole
Virginia M. Lucil
In Memory of Judd J. Corbett
Ursula K. Corbett
In Memory of Katharine and Charles Corbett
Richard and Anne Simmons
In Memory of David G. Coupal
Margaret A. Coupal
In Memory of Albert Dalmolen
Eve Dalmolen
In Memory of Dotty Darbyshire
Inez Giles and Seth Hudak
In Memory of Harm de Blij
Bonnie de Blij
In Memory of Eileen Diamond
Ralph Diamond
In Memory of Vinny DiGerolamo
Evan and Mollie Hoornemen
In Memory of Rev. Harlow Tuttle Doliber
Pauline M. Doliber
In Memory of Philip Eagan
Mary M. Eagan
In Memory of David H. Eagles
Jane A. Pedersen
Peter and Rita Hill
Noel and Elizabeth Tipton
Albany International Corp.
In Memory of Janie Vincent Emanuel
David and Patricia Vincent
In Memory of Barbara Feldstein
Bernard Feldstein
In Memory of Carolyn Margaret Field
Fred-Munro Ferguson
In Memory of Anthony Filone
Josephine J. Motisi
In Memory Simone Forgione
Susan D. Peterson
In Memory of Deborah Geithner
Bill Toohey and Andrea Petitto
In Memory of Joan Guay
South Harwich Shore Assoc., Inc.
In Memory of Mary Jane Hampton
Robert R. Hampton
In Memory of Ruth Harkins
James and Sheila Carbone
In Memory of Therese Hebert
Normand C. Hebert
In Memory of Douglas T. Hempel
Diane F. Ross and Family
In Memory of Elizabeth E. Holbrook
John W. Holbrook
In Memory of John Joseph Horton
Susan R. Horton
In Memory of J. Morgan Hudson
George I. Rockwood
In Memory of Marcia K. Iddles
Andrea Aldrovandi
In Memory of Katherine Kinum
Scott Kinum
In Memory of Austin Knight
Charles and Barbara Birdsey
In Memory of Bob Larson
Richard and Louisa Garrison
E. Bulkeley and Lila Griswold
James and Ann Terese Haley
Joan Y. Nickerson
Martin and Hedi Kaufman
Joshua E. Kaufman
Peter and Christine Simonson
Harold and Grace Sheldrick
Maureen Connelly
Dave and Ellie Morency
Christine Werme
Albert and Jeanne Barker
Kenneth and Sue Golden
Arild Steine and Kirsten McClellan
In Memory of John J. Lee
Geraldine O’Malley
In Memory of Kevin Leete
Anne C. Leete
Nicole Leete
In Memory of Gloria Lempner
John and Janet McGuigan
In Memory of Rudolph W. Lindgren
Shirley A. Lindgren
In Memory of Barbara Loftus
Gerard T. Loftus
In Memory of Van and Cal Lovell
Robert Bradley and Maria Dounelis
In Memory of Charles Macauley, WW2 veteran and avid outdoorsmen
Deb and Dave Lear
In Memory of Tim McCauliff
David and Jane Murray
In Memory of Scot Byron McClain
Henry and Donna Peterson
In Memory of James McCroskery
Walter Leginski
In Memory of Harold McKenna
Anne M. McKenna
In Memory of my beloved wife Evie
Ronald Armbruster
In Memory of Bea Naughton
Robert J. Naughton
In Memory of Joan O’Callaghan
John A. O’Callaghan
In Memory of George and Virginia Osborn
Valerie S. Davis
In Memory of Charles F. Palmer
Carole Palmer
In Memory of Thomas Bradford Pedicini
Lisa Pedicini
In Memory of Christine Peterson
Henry and Donna Peterson
In Memory of Allen and Peggy Phillips
Barry and Sylvia Mae Fulcher
In Memory of Elizabeth L. Pring
Kenneth F. Pring
In Memory of Carol Ann Robinson
Russell C. Robinson
In Memory of Wayne Robinson
Lee Robinson Chase
In Memory of Richard (Dick) Rosivack
Ronald and Mary Ann Rosivack
In Memory of Louise Russell
Otis Russell and Monica Lussier
Natalie R. Cocroft
In Memory of Ruth Smith
Debra A. Bassett
Nancy B. Poor
John and Gertrude Steel
Jane A. Pedersen
Bob and Judy Valchuis
Virginia Davis
In Memory of D. Isabel Smith
David Crestin and Elizabeth Bierbower
Joan V. Leary
In Memory of Martha D. Smith
Preston and Sheila Smith
In Memory of Morton Snowhite
Amy Hark
Susanne L. Thompson
John and Ellen Callanan
John and Katherine Weinstock
Marie Liang and Stephen Petro
In Memory of Laurel Sorenson
Anne C. Hayes
In Memory of Hazel and Vic Southerland
William and Angela Mueller
In Memory of Doris Stampleman
Paul and Laura Stampleman
In Memory of Waldo A. Stevens
Elizabeth M. Arnold
In Memory of Louise and Leonard Swanton
Walter H. Klar
In Memory of Georges (Tom) Spencer Thenault
Beatrice M. Thenault
In Memory of Cormac Thomas
Dale and Lesley Cronan
In Memory of Robert W. Udell
Joyce H. Udell
In Memory of Charles O. Verrill
Henry and Eleanor Hood
In Memory of Mildred and Robert Walker
Roberta W. McColl
In Memory of George and Peggy Whitehead
Richard and Margaret Whitehead
In Memory of Thad Wicks
Martha Wicks
In Memory of Rose Wojciechowski
Frank and Mary Wojciechowski
In Memory of Harry S. Zaluzny
Ruth B. Zaluzny
In Memory of Margaret Ann Zapple
Jean Zapple
In Memory of Rita Zipf
Fred and Kathy Budreski