2009 – 2010 Interns

2009 – 2011 Interns of the Harwich Conservation Trust

HCT has been fortunate to work with an amazing group of volunteers over the past few years. HCT has had several volunteer interns that have gone above and beyond to help HCT in many ongoing stewardship projects. Here is a short biography of each intern.

Brodie Kramer graduated from the University of Massachusetts majoring in biology. Brodie created some of the first comprehensive boundary profiles for HCT land. With the help of HCT Trustee Matt Cushing, Brodie surveyed and posted bounds as well as created maps of sign locations.

Adam Miller graduated from the University of Massachusetts majoring in business. He is a summer resident of Harwich. Adam spent over 40 hours removing invasive plants at several Harwich sites. He also maintained the trails at HCT’s 66-acre Bank Street Bogs Nature Preserve throughout August.

Spencer Baker hails from Los Angeles. While on summer recess in Harwich, Spencer decided to give his energy to helping HCT twice each week on various trail projects as well as other tasks. We are told he is also an accomplished tennis player so watch out!

Emalee Ellis helped to restore the “undeveloped” portion of the White Cedar Woods Preserve to a more natural state. She is a member of Sea Scout Ship 76 in Harwich and very active in community service with various groups. She is a 2007 graduate of Harwich High School and is currently attending college at Louisiana Tech.

Christine Harris, a recent graduate from Ithaca College and a ranger at the Cape Cod National Seashore, has been helping out in both the office and the field this fall. A native Cape Codder and Nauset graduate, she looks forward to expanding her role at the Cape Cod National Seashore.

D-Jay Laffoon graduated from Cape Cod Community College with an Associates Degree in Environmental Science. As part of his degree program, D-Jay worked with HCT as a land management intern. Completing over 200 hours of work for HCT, D-Jay helped with wildlife enhancement projects, special events, office organization, invasive plant removal and general trail maintenance.